Using This Discussion Forum

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Mold Avoiders
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Experience Level: Mold Avoiders Forum Manager
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Postby Mold Avoiders » Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:34 pm

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The Mold Avoiders discussion forum is designed to serve the needs of individuals who are currently pursuing or are planning to pursue the approach to mold avoidance pioneered by Erik Johnson and described in the book A Beginner’s Guide to Mold Avoidance.

Mold Avoiders is a spin-off organization from Paradigm Change.

Some basic information about Mold Avoiders is on this website page:


Those who would like to read or contribute to the forum need to be hand-approved by me as Mold Avoiders Participants.

Instructions on how to apply to become a participant are on the following page:

The Mold Avoiders Participant Application is here: ... ation-2019


Discussions of all topics of potential interest to individuals pursuing this sort of mold avoidance are welcome in the Mold Avoiders forum.

Forum content can be read only by those who sign up to be members, not by non-members or search engine robots.

More information about Mold Avoiders is available in this article.

The Mold Avoiders Facebook group is designed for casual conversations of interest to those pursuing the type of mold avoidance discussed in the book "A Beginner's Guide to Mold Avoidance."

Questions about mold avoidance and other healing-related issues are to be posted only on this standalone forum rather than on Facebook, however.

The Mold Avoiders website provides additional information for those pursuing effective mold avoidance.


The home page for this forum organizes posts by topic category. This is especially useful for those who are looking for information just on certain areas of interest.

You also may read posts in the order of their most recent new comments (similar to the default format used in Facebook groups).


You can switch between these choices of "All Topics" and "Active Topics" in the main forum menu at the top of each page (just underneath the Mold Avoiders logo).

Clicking on the main forum header at the top of each page (the words "Mold Avoiders" with the owl logo) will bring you to the "Active Topics" page.

A "Search" function also is available in the the main menu.


The "Quick Links" menu (on the left of your screen near the top of the page) provides a number of additional options for choosing which posts to view, as well as a list of forum members.


Only those who have been approved as Mold Avoiders Participants may post new threads or comment on threads.

To post a thread on a new topic, go to the page labeled "All Topics" in the main menu. Look down the list of forums and open the one that is relevant to your topic.

If you look under the title, on the left of the page, you should see a button that says "New Topic +". If you click on that, then you can start writing a new post.

On some devices, the button may only show a plus sign ("+") rather than also stating "New Topic."

Note that participation is not allowed in the introductory forum ("Mold Avoiders Overview").

The forum "Paradigm Change Announcements" is used for forum managers to share new information and announcements related to Mold Avoiders and Paradigm Change. Other participants may comment on threads in this section but may not start new threads in it.

If you have problems posting in any other forum, please let me know.


Only those who have been approved as Mold Avoiders Participants may comment on existing threads.

To comment on a thread, first open the thread. Just under the thread title (and also at the very bottom of the thread), on the left side of the screen, you will see the choice of "Post Reply."

On some devices such as smart phones, the "Post Reply" button will be replaced by a curved arrow pointing to the left.

Click on the "Post Reply" button or curved arrow and then write your comment in the box. Then click "Submit."

If you would like to quote from a particular post in your reply, then instead of clicking "Post Reply," click on the icon for quotation marks (") in the selection to the right of the post title.

On some devices such as smart phones, the quotation mark icon will be replaced by the choice of "Quote" in the collapsible menu (located to the right of the poster's name).

Again, participation is not allowed in the introductory forum ("Mold Avoiders Overview").

If you have problems commenting on threads in any other forum, please let me know.


Owls are awards given by certain high-ranking members to posts that they believe are especially informative or interesting and therefore should be read by everyone.

(This is similar to the Apples concept, for those who are active on that site.)

If a post has been awarded any Owls, the total number received will be displayed on the post.

If a Mold Avoiders participant has been awarded any Owls, the total number received will be displayed on his or her profile page and signature.

The page "Top Posts" (accessible from the Quick Links menu) lists posts by number of Owls received.


The page "Top Posters" (also accessible from the Quick Links menu) lists Mold Avoiders members by number of Owls received.



If you want to let others know that you like a particular post written by someone else, look next to the title of the post.

There will be a row of icons (e.g. pencil, trash can, quote marks). All the way to the right, there should be a button with a thumbs-up sign.

If you click that, then you will be thanking the author for the post.

Clicking the button again will remove the thanks.

The forum software keeps track of the total number of thanks that each participant has received, as well as the number and percentage of readers who expressed thanks for each post.

You cannot thank yourself for your own posts.


Avatars are the pictures that are connected to your profile (also called profile pictures).

Mold Avoiders Participants are automatically given as their avatar a picture of an owl that corresponds to their assigned Experience Group.

Instructions on how to change the avatar to a head shot are provided in the article "How To Be Approved to Participate in the Mold Avoiders Forum."


To upload a picture or attachment into your post, go to the area just below the post box and click "Attachments."

Then click "Upload" and choose the item that you want to attach on your device.

Once it has uploaded, then you can click "Place Inline" if you want it to appear as a photo.

Note that if you are responding to a post, you cannot use "Quick Reply" if you want to upload a photo. Instead, you will need to click "Post Reply."

If your photo is high density and it is taking a long time to upload, you may want to shrink it before attempting to upload it.

Here is a free online image optimizer program, for instance.


When you are reading a particular thread, you will see a number of icons next to each post title. Following (left to right) are descriptions of the icons that you may see.

Pencil - Edit the post
Trash Can - Delete the post
Exclamation Point - Report the post
Small letter "i" - Find out background info on the post
Quotation Marks - Post a thread reply quoting the post
Thumbs Up - Express thanks for the post

If you don't want to quote from a particular post in your reply, go all the way to the bottom of the thread and then use "Quick Reply" or "Post Reply."


Your account on the Mold Avoiders forum may be customized to your preferences in the User Control Panel.

For instance, in addition to uploading a head shot as your avatar, you can insert a signature to appear at the bottom of all your posts; supply additional information about yourself; choose whether you want other members to be able to contact you via PM or email; choose whether and how you want to be notified if someone responds to one of your posts; and designate certain other participants as "friends" or "foes."

The User Control Panel is linked in the menu under your user name at the top of each forum page.


A running list of all individuals who have been approved to post or comment in the Mold Avoiders forum is in this thread.


A list of all individuals who have signed up to be members of the forum (and who therefore can read the discussions) can be found in the "Quick Links" section or at the following link.



If you would prefer not to read posts by particular forum members, then you can accomplish this by putting them on your "Foes" list.

It is my understanding that putting individuals on your "Foes" list does not prevent them from reading your posts, however.

The "Foes" list is in the "Friends and Foes" section of the "User Control Panel," which is linked toward the top of each forum page.



Detailed instructions on using this forum from the creators of the board software (phpBB) are in the FAQ section, linked toward the top of each page.



Suggestions for improvements for Mold Avoiders or Paradigm Change may be shared by filling out the form at this link: ... s-Comments

While the forum is getting started, constructive suggestions for improvements also may be posted in the "Forum Issues" section of the board.



Although some older threads from the Facebook group have been archived here in the standalone forum, many other threads from the Facebook group have not been moved here.

If there are particular threads from the Facebook group that you believe should be archived here so that they can be accessed more easily, please feel free to volunteer to help out with this.

In conclusion, thanks very much for reading or participating in the Mold Avoiders forum! I am very glad you are here and sincerely hope that the forum will turn out to be helpful to you.

Best regards,

Lisa Petrison, Ph.D.
Mold Avoiders Founder
info at paradigmchange dot me

Updated 1/23/2020

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Lisa Petrison
Site Admin
Posts: 1108
Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:42 pm
Experience Level: Mold Avoiders Founder
Owls: 0
Has thanked: 3 times
Been thanked: 2 times

Postby Lisa Petrison » Mon Jan 27, 2020 6:05 pm

Here is a list of potentially useful addresses related to this forum.

Mold Avoiders Participation Approval

Participation Approval Instructions:

Participant Application: ... ation-2019

Mold Avoiders Overview

Mold Avoiders Website:

Mold Avoiders Facebook Group:

About Mold Avoiders:

Obtaining Free Books:

Mold Avoiders Rules:

Practitioner Commenting Guidelines:

Mold Avoiders FAQ's:

Offer Improvement Suggestions: ... s-Comments

Using The Mold Avoiders Forum

User Control Panel:


Forum Software FAQ's:



Paradigm Change Website:

Paradigm Change Blog:

Living Clean in a Dirty World Website:

Lisa Petrison Email:

info at paradigmchange dot me

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